Sallying Forth

10:34 PM Edit This 3 Comments »
Well, kids, this is it. Tomorrow morning my family and I are waking up at the buttcrack of dawn (4 a.m. for you more gentle-spoken folks), piling into the van, and heading off to follow the sun. We'll be in Billings, Montana for 5 days, then we'll be going to Yellowstone to camp overnight. Then we're going to Utah to visit the family until it's time for me to move into my dorm and begin life as student of BYU.
I've been in a kind of panicky state for about two weeks now, not so much from nervousness about college itself, but because every time I see something or someone I love I start thinking, "What if this is the last time I ever see them?!?!" I feel like I shouldn't even blink for fear of missing something I want to remember. And the more I try to hold onto the time, the faster it darts past me. This is not a new sensation (which is a great song, by the way). I felt the same way sporadically from the time we found out we were moving to Montana to the time we found out we didn't have to, during the entire last month or so of high school, during my trip to Costa Rica... it always happens in exactly the same way, and yet it always floors me a little bit. I'm a very nostalgic person; the very idea of relinquishing memories appalls me. That would be why I'm such a packrat- you can ask my mother about that one.
So, as I'm currently in a fit of heightened desperation to cling to all the people, places, and things I'm attached to, please excuse what I'm about to say, which I am certain will be corny and cliche, yet true.
I love you all so much. You may not have noticed, but today at church I was kinda staring at people a lot. I urgently felt like I had to ingrain your faces into my mind as much as I possibly could. Some of you have practically raised me, and I've seriously contemplated kinapping many more of your children than I think you'd care to know about. I LOVE Minnesota, I LOVE my ward, I LOVE my friends from school and everywhere else. Thus far my life has pretty much been charmed, and I've known and loved some incredible people. You probably know who you are. And if not, then I haven't done my job properly. Thank you for being unbelievably cool people and for making the last 11 1/2 years full of pure joy.
Whew. I really did just exceed my own mushy record. But I meant it, I promise.
So... see you in no more than 8 months, I trust. I may or may not come back for Thanksgiving or Christmas- it's likely I won't be back for both of them, though. I'm going to leave that one up to fate for now. Don't be strangers! My new address will be:
80 Penrose Hall
Provo, UT 84604
And you can always leave comments on the blog, facebook me, or email me!

Stay beautiful!


Anne said...

I already told your mom that you have to spend Christmas in MN. I mean really, it is just not fair to the rest of us if you don't. We'll see how much influence I have...I won't let this rest!

Nicole said...

Once you get settled in I think you'll realize that this is a great opportunity to add to your circle of friends, not detract. It will just take a little more work to keep up with friendships back home. Good luck and enjoy the time with your family.nhhjfw

Angie said...

We miss you already! I know you're going to have a fabulous time, and I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures!