Weekend revisement

11:03 AM Edit This 3 Comments »
Okay, so change of plans. I'm actually not going on my date tonight. My cousin Riley called me last night (while we were watching "The Village" at our friend Jackson's apartment by the way- we really enjoyed ourselves.) and told me that he was leaving for his house today around noonish, and asked if I wanted to come. So I called Sam, the guy who asked me on the date, this morning and asked if we could reschedule, and he said that he was just about to call me anyway. He had gotten the dates mixed up, and it was actually NEXT Saturday that whatever-it-is-he-has-planned is, so the rescheduling was actually a good thing! So the moral of the story is, things work out. Usually. Sometimes. And sometimes they don't and you end up embarrassing yourself, but not this time. :)
The Fall Fest last night was actually not that fun, so we left early and went to Jackson's apartment to watch "The Village" and eat ice cream. I loved it, but of course the end made me mad. I hate it when they leave things hanging. Grr. But anyway, it was really fun. Jackson played guitar for us while we were scooping ice cream, and he's actually really, really good. Like most guys who tell you about how they play the guitar and all just like to talk about it, and then they want to play for you and it's not that great. But he's reeeeally good. We had fun with that. Then when we came back to our dorms from his apartment we sat outside and talked and sang songs. We're a little silly, but it's a great time.
I just thought I'd tell you all about that so I don't get certaaain peeeeople pestering me about how my date went this week, since I won't go until next Saturday. Later, loves!


Angie said...

By "certain people" you wouldn't be talking about me by any chance...haha!

Malallory said...

Noooo... never....

Anne said...

OR ME???