Yeah, yeah. I know.

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Okay, so I'm a lazy layabout and I didn't do any more blogging for the past... very long time. But I'm back in business for the present, although I'm not making any promises about how faithful I'll be in the future.
Well, school is done for the year. I'm back in loverly Minnesota until the end of August, and it feels great to be home. I can't help constantly appreciating how many trees and lakes there are here. Minnesota really is beautiful. School was good. I didn't get straight A's, as plenty of people here have been asking about, but I'm okay with that. I did the best I could, so even though I didn't get to keep my scholarship, I'll just keep moving along. My roommates and I have become really good friends. We all get tired of each other every now and then, but we got through the whole year without a real fight, which I think is something to be proud of. All of us except Julie (who's getting married in August!) are going to be living together in an apartment near campus next year. We're all very nervous and hopeful about who our mystery roomie will be. Our two main worries are that she'll either be a crazy or that she won't feel like she fits in with us since the rest of us are already so close. I'm sure it will all turn out well, though.
I made a lot of other great friends too, mostly in my ward. It was especially hard saying goodbye to most of the guys I became friends with, since most of them are leaving on missions this summer and I won't see them again for at least 2 years, if ever. Next year we're going to basically have to start over meeting guys, since almost all the ones we know will be gone! Anyway, our ward really was amazing, and we had tons of fun together. I won't even try to go through all the things I've done this year, but among them were endless dance parties, lots of movie nights, hiking in the mountains to these natural hot-springs to go hot-tubbing in (I still can't get the sulfur smell out of my swimsuit!!), dress-ups, concerts, picnics, snowball fights, building an enormous tent in our kitchen that we kept up for about 3 weeks, sleepovers, helping Mack (McKenzie) with a wedding video and then going to the reception with her, Fiesta Thursdays every week at lunch time, crazy-fun ward activities, temple trips, and getting locked in the storage cages with Cate for a good 20 minutes by our heartless, traitorous roommates. :D I've had an incredible time, and I'm thoroughly convinced that BYU is the best school in the entire wooooorld. Where else could you have the ridiculous amount of fun I've had without once seeing a drop of alcohol or any drugs or even swearing, along with the amazing education we get for such a cheap price? Answer: nowhere.
So yep, now I'm back in gorgeous MN, and I have a job at glamourous McDonald's. It's not exactly my dream job, but it is a job, which frankly is more than I expected to have at this point. I've been walking and exercising with my mom every morning, which is nice, and I've been going to bed earlier and trying to eat healthier too. Hopefully I can carry those habits with me when I go back to school. It is a little weird to have to answer to my parents again, and to not be able to do pretty much anything I want whenever I want. At school, if we felt like running around on the sidewalks at 1:15 am, we just did it, and our only worry was to make sure somebody brought a key with them. We slept when we felt like it, we left whenever we wanted (which was a lot easier since most places we ever went were walking-distance, and cars were available if needed), and we did pretty much any crazy, goofy stuff that popped into our heads. But I really don't mind. Truthfully, I'm in need of some laid-back, slightly-more-structured down time for now. Plus I'm READING for pleasure again, which is the best feeling in the world. I've missed it so.
Well, that's all I can think of for now. Hopefully I won't go on another many-month hiatus again. Buh-bye now!


Angie said...

Ah's nice to have you back! So you're Twittering now too? I haven't got on that bandwagon yet! :)

Fran said...

It's grrrreat to have you back Mal. You were missed in our Ward and your postings just weren't frequent enough to satisfy my hunger!! But this one was worth waiting for. Glad you are back and had such a wonderful experience at BYU!!!