1:20 AM
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2:33 PM
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Hey kiddos,
Just briefly letting you know that I have not forgotten about this blog. Okay, I did. I do that. But I'm going to do my very best to put a for-reals post up here this weekend about this summer and what I'm up to now that school has started. This, however, cannot happen today as I am swamped with homework and would very much to go to sleep before... tomorrow. SO... yes. Remember to check out my also-not-been-updated-in-far-to-long other blog, a collaborative effort I've put together with a bunch of people whose opinions I value, about things we want the world to know about!
Alright, that's it for the moment. Now to read some crap fascinating and insightful information on differential equations that I will never use again even though I plan to teach math for much of the rest of my life will be useful and valuable to me for the remainder of my days.
Edit 9/12: Haha just kidding. I'm super behind on my homework this weekend because I decided to, you know, enjoy myself instead. Lame. But anyway, I'll update this puppy as soon as I can feel justified in doing so. So don't hold your breath. :)
4:13 PM
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HELLO my wonderfuls!
So I'm going to make this super-brief because I still have work to do today. Classes are over, and we're in finals right now. They started Friday and I finished all my actual tests by Saturday (which was a lot of work but SO worth it), but I still have a huge-o portfolio to put together for my geometry class, which takes the place of a final. I'm not looking forward to it at all. It's not due until midnight tomorrow night, but I'd like to get it done today so I can get most of my packing done tomorrow and then enjoy most of Thursday and Friday before my dad comes to get me Friday night. Somers already left, which was super sad since she's going to study abroad in Italy next Fall semester so most of us won't see her for 8 months. But I will! She's coming to Minnesota in August with the family she nannies for, and they told her she can use the car when she's not working so she's going to come visit me! We're going to have a freakin' blast, let me tell you.
Anyhoo, just thought I'd let you all know what's going on, and a more thorough report on my semester is coming, but not until at the very soonest tomorrow night. And don't even count on that.
I can't wait to come home!
Finally, I've just created another blog, and you should all check it out.
You Oughta Know
There's not much on it yet as I just made it today, but basically what it's going to be is a bunch of posting about things I love. I'll talk about things like music, movies, books, food, people, places, crazy facts, and whatever else I just with everyone in the world knew about. Kind of silly and self-indulgent, I know, but I think it's going to be fun. I'll try to make it as varied and interesting as possible. The plan is for each post to talk about the thing I love, a little background about it, why it's great, and probably info on how YOU can get into loving it. I'm going to try and get a few other people involved for some variety as well, so if you like cool stuff and want to team up with me, let me know!